Welcome on board salsero!
We hope you find on Goza la salsa all you are looking for related with this latin music style, dance and passion that is salsa.
This website starts to give back to salsa all good thing it has given us along the years and is still giving us everyday.
Learn about salsa history. Its influences. The most important salsa singers. Know all its styles from urban salsa to romantic salsa going through salsa dura.
Goza la salsa wants to help you and all the future salsa lovers to enjoy salsa. Share with you salsa radios all over the world playing different styles. Academies near your home to learn how to dance salsa or improve your style. Discos, clubs or places to dance salsa all over the world. Or shops where you can buy clothes, shoes or music…
We think that salsa is big thanks the hard job you all do. That is why we want to encourage all of you that everyday work to make salsa bigger. You can share on Goza la salsa your music, thoughs or experiences salsa make feel you.
¡Que viva la salsa!